中文版 English
什么是阻燃剂? 我们可以这样定义:用于阻止材料因高温分解引起的燃烧或抑制燃烧进行及火焰漫延的物质。燃烧的本质是物质因高温裂解而产生的链式放热氧化反应。燃烧的三要素是:可燃物,氧气,温度。那么,阻燃剂的作用就是要抑制其中一个或三个要素,从而使燃烧无法进行。
•什么是玻璃钢? 一般来说,以玻璃纤维为增强材料、合成树脂为基体材料复合而成的工程材料,我们称之为玻璃钢。玻璃钢属于树脂基 复合材料,以玻璃纤维、不饱和树脂生产的玻璃钢占 90%以上,因此,将这一类复合材料统称为玻璃钢,用 FRP 表示。玻璃钢由于所使用的树脂不同,因此有聚酯玻璃钢、环氧玻璃钢、酚醛玻璃钢等。
•什么是压敏胶? 压敏胶,全称是压敏胶粘剂,是指施加压力即可瞬时粘接的一种胶粘剂。 压敏胶主要有三种类型:丙烯酸酯型压敏胶,橡胶型压敏胶和有机硅压敏胶。
Some basic mechanisms of flame retardancy were recognised as early as 1947 when several primary principles were put forward.1 These included the effect of the additive on the mode of the thermal degradation of the polymer in order to produce fuel-poor pyrolytic paths, external flame retar-dant coatings to exclude oxygen from the surface of the polymer, internal barrier formation to prevent evolution of combustible gases, inert gas evo-lution to dilute fuel formed in pyrolysis and dissipation of heat away from the flame front. Discovery of the flame-inhibiting effect of volatile halogen derivatives subsequently led to the postulation of the radical trap-gas-phase mechanism.2 The gas-phase and the condensed-phase proposals have long been generally considered as the primary, though not the only, effective mechanism of flame retardancy. This situation is now being modified as new mechanisms of new flame-retarding systems, especially those based on physical principles, evolve and as new insights into the performance of flame retardants is being gained. In many cases several mechanistic principles operate simultaneously and consequently it is difficult to identify one dominant mechanism. In such cases modes of action of particular flame-retarding formulation may be defined and described.